FACT WE DOESN'T KNOW BY VYSHNAVI, ON AUGUST 2019 Do you want to look younger ? Do you want glowing health skin ? Do you want to lose weight with out side effects ? these type of question we hear a lot these days, and we search all over the world for answers of this questions. But did u know the answer is right in front of us, yes drinking right amount of " WATER" is correct answer. Approximately,70% of our body mass contains water, and according to number of doctors drinking 3-5 liters of water surely helps in living a healthy life. Drinking water removes toxins and most of the waste products from our body contributing to a healthy quality of life. If our body lacks water then our heart has to make an extra effort to pump fresh oxygenated blood to our organs causing severe health issues. HEALTH BENEFITS ; A recent study even, concluded that those who drank enough water throughout the day were less likely to have a heart attack. Drinking wa...