Do you judge a chocolate by its cover? let's see what experts reveal

I love chocolate do u? of course, you do too. well who doesn't love it ? But we often judge it by its cover ? there are a lot of myths that are associated with this tasty delight. There are lot of  myths about chocolate here's a list of common myths that you shouldn't believe anymore. Actually chocolate is quite healthy when taken in moderate amount.

 1. Chocolate Lacks Health Benefits

Actually, chocolate is a rich source of antioxidants, magnesium and zinc. It also contains phosphate, calcium and protein which helps reduce insulin resistance.  Bangalore-based Nutritionist Dr. Anju Sood agrees, "Dark chocolate has health benefits in terms of antioxidants." Consumption of dark chocolate in moderation may help in maintaining the blood pressure and could also keep your heart healthy.

 a. Lowers Blood Pressure 

Research suggests that the high magnesium content in dark chocolate can help lower blood pressure.  Some Studies also suggest that eating dark chocolate raises, levels of nitric oxide in your body. Nitric oxide is a naturally occurring substance in your body that acts on small receptors in our blood vessels and helps them dilate thereby lowering overall blood pressure. A 2012 Australian study found that people who eat dark chocolate over a short period of time do see a drop in blood pressure by 2 millimeters of mercury.

b. Lowers Cholesterol 

The moderate amounts of dark chocolate can lower LDL[bad cholesterol] and raise HDL[good cholesterol]. This in turn helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and a stroke. Here's how: LDL builds up along the inside of arteries, forming plaque deposits and narrowing arteries. This condition can lead to a heart attack. So if dark chocolate can reduce LDL, they can eventually reduce the risk of a heart attack.

 c. Improves Brain Function 

It can help you focus, sharpen your memory and protect your brain from ageing. In 2012, the University of Nottingham study found that eating dark chocolate boosts blood flow to some key areas of the brain for a few hours at the least, which directly leads to increase performance in tasks and general alertness. Another 2013 study published in the journal Neurology found that eating dark chocolate daily (in moderate amounts of course) can boost your memory by almost 30% and also up your problem solving skills.

 d. Improves Heart Health 

A 2015, study done by researchers at the Wageningen University in Netherlands found that dark chocolate restores flexibility to the arteries and at the same time, prevents white blood cells from sticking to the walls of the blood vessels. American Chemical Society (ACS) found that when you eat dark chocolate, the gut bacteria in your stomach ferments it into anti-inflammatory compounds that are good for the heart on 2014. A 2015 study published in the Journal Heart, suggests that a substantial amount of chocolate every day can lower cardiovascular disease and stroke risk.

e. Curbs Cravings 

Research proves that dark chocolates have high satiety value which make you feel full for a longer time. They are packed with monounsaturated fatty acids that boost's your metabolism and burn fat. When eaten in moderate quantities, dark chocolate slower the digestion process and curb cravings.

2. Chocolate Causes Acne

When it comes to skin health, our eating habits plays a major role. "Chocolate can cause acne due to the presence of fat content in it but not always, as a lot depends upon your skin type." It is believed that high intake of oily food can cause acne on the skin.

 3.  Chocolate Causes Weight Gain

Chocolate is not the only primary reason of gaining weight. "Anything eaten in moderation won't affect your health and weight. It is absolutely fine to eat chocolates until eaten in moderation." Excess of any processed food would anyway lead to weight gain. University of California found that those who ate dark chocolate a few times a week were on an average, slimmer than those who ate it occasionally. The researchers went on to say that even though dark chocolate is loaded with calories, it contains ingredients that help's in weight-loss. 

4: Chocolate Causes Headaches.

Chocolate is often seen as a culprit for migraines and headaches; however, various studies have found no link between the two. "There's no connection between the both. If you're prone to migraine then it might trigger but apart from this, it doesn't.


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