Before answering this question, stop; look around in the name of development we bring a lot of machinery into our usual life style. Did you know when using machines to do all our work, we are prone to health challenges like hypertension, obesity and also it increase nervous strain.
     The repeat use of machines leads to  laziness and monotony, and most of us usually depend on these machines rather than using our mental and physical efforts for performing a task.

   Due to use of machines, the craft man with superior skill and creativeness in the tradition era had disappeared. the use of craft, beads, hate making are gradually going extinct, what a great nation loss.

In our ancestor time, people used to climb stairs to reach the required floor but now we prefer lifts and escalators. Even the new generation prefers playing games on computers, smart phones and play stations, they do not play games which involve physical efforts like cricket, football etc. Sitting in front of computers or using play stations for a long time also affects our health and reduces physical activities. Watching TV for hours makes us physically dull and prevents us for doing tasks which involve physical efforts. This causes eyesight problems, weight gain, mental stress etc.

We brought machines to our life to save some time and energy for our self, but we are more busy then ever before. we go to gym and walks to spend our time and energy then working hard. We are so caught up with our busy life we don't even realize that nowadays almost every task is performed with the help of machines. Even preparing food. Excessive use of anything is bad. Same is with the machines, using them to a certain limit is acceptable but doing every task with the help of machine is very dangerous. At least now we should realize that machines are making us lazy. We should not completely ignore our physical and mental strength but we should use them in order to keep ourselves active and fit.

We cannot deny the fact that machines save our time and energy but on the contrary they are making us inactive, Not just that; the more use of machines leads to more pollution their will be a day where we can't drink fresh water and breath fresh air without use of machines. We should try to do all those works by our hands which can keep our body active and in this way we can protect ourselves from any physical disorder or disease. Machines are helpful in many ways but it depends on us how we use them.
so now tell me are we really developing ? 
what do u think comment below.


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