It can be hard now a days to find a dependable and loyal friend that will have you back no matter what, well it might not be so hard if we  look deep within our self...,
       YES, for real, i am talking about our liver! our liver is one of the truest and most hardworking friend it constantly working to remove harmful and toxic substances from our body so that our whole system can work like a well-oiled machine.
Medical books also listed liver as a master of another 500 functions other then toxic remover, even through our liver is a master even sometime it also need our help. it can be a life-threatening situation if the liver is unable to do its job properly.
so, hear is the list of symptoms that indicate our liver is crying for our help.


 Pain can be felt on the right hand side, in the upper part of the abdomen. And it is the sign that our liver might be in serious trouble. According to the American Liver Foundation, liver lists nearly one thousand possible liver disease's some are genetic but others are caused by harmful habits like alcohol consumption ans drug use.

 When our liver is affected by some disease it can't operate efficiently so it swells up painfully this is body's way to signify that our liver is full of toxins.


  When you ignore the problem of toxic liver it will try to repair it self at the cost of forming scar tissue the more scar tissue their is the tougher it is for liver to function which leads to portal hypertension[increase in the blood pressure in the veins of liver] which cause edema[building up fluids in the legs]. 
It is actually pain less, and can affects calf's, legs and thighs. The swelling is most visible in the lower part of the body simply due to gravity.


If you experiencing weight gain if it doesn't seem due to over eating or hormonal malfunction it's better to talk with your doctor about checking out your liver.
What happens is that if your liver can't deal with all the toxins coming in from alcohol, artificial sweeteners, high fat diet and certain medication so on....., then it will start storing the unfiltered toxins in fat cells, you won't lose weight until you cleanse your liver.


This one might sound like a dream for those of us who want to lose weight but can't  resist sweet and fatty temptations around, However, loss of appetite is no fun and no joke. A disinterest in food accompanied by nausea and weight loss could be an early symptom of liver disease.
A liver that can't work properly to flush out toxins will give you digestive distress. This causes excessive and unexplained vomiting if you have any of these symptoms, go to doctor immediately.


 There are certain foods that are known for giving bad smelling breath like garlic onion. There are also more  serious causes of this embarrassing symptom. We think chronic bad breath is obviously caused by problems in your mouth, our body is a complicated system where everything is interconnected with some way or the other. 
The bacteria from your mouth actually travel down into your digestive system and can cause problems with digestion and metabolism. so, bad breath can be a sign that you have a problem with your stomach or your liver, their is also a scientific word for bad breath related to liver disease FETOR HEPATICUS


 Allergies are often the result of an overloaded and sluggish liver, when there are too many substances entering the blood stream the immune system recognizes it as an allergen and releases antibodies like HISTAMINES[which causes itchy rashes] these are extermly sever on palms and feet.
A happy healthy liver, through, cleans the blood of all the harmful molecules and eliminates the effect that a potential allergen has on the body.


When a person's eyes or skin turns yellowish, it's known as jaundice. Jaundice itself isn't an illness but rather a symptom of possible conditions, it normally appears when the diseased liver make the body accumulate too much BILIRUBIN.
Bilirubin is formed by the breakdown of dead red blood cells in the liver.


 This is also result of jaundice, along with yellow color eyes and skin dark colored urine is also an indicator that there's too much bilirubin in your body. 

 You might be in even more trouble if dark urine is accompanied by light or bloody stools.


We all get bruises and nicks easily from time to time especially when you're fighting and playing. If you're one who tends to bruise more easily than others then its the time to check your liver condition.
A bruise is a result of some injury to the blood vessels in your skin the liver can no longer produce enough proteins that are needed to clot the blood after an injury.


Constant stress and the hectic lifestyle most of us have these days can wear anyone out however constantly feeling more dead then alive can't just explain by crazy workload. Chronic fatigue syndrome resembles a prolonged flu like illness and is only diagnosed when someone experience the symptoms for at least 6 months. The reason behind this is intoxication of,your liver. 
The liver, to a large extent, contribution to the energy supply, a healthy liver pours out glucose between meals or whenever there's a need for nourishment and energy. A toxic liver fail to do it. 


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